Cool Daddy-O and I then put small pieces of candy in the plastic eggs. Big Squirt searched for pink and purple eggs and Little Squirt searched for yellow and orange. We also hid 4 bonus blue eggs in exceptionally tricky spots. We hid them twice and then the girls hid each other's once. After that, they came inside and sorted out the good stuff inside the eggs.
Tonight I prepared some food for our family dinner tomorrow. Perhaps I'll include pictures of the desserts in tomorrow's post....made 3 so should look very "Eastery" when it's done.
The highlight of the day? Well, that was finding perennials popping up through the spring soil, including: daffodils, tulips, peonies, fern leaf peonies, irises, and sedum.
WhooHoooooo.... It's SPRING at last!
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