A day at home, at last! We cleaned the bathrooms and started on other rooms. Little Squirt insisted on wiping the mirror over the double sinks. She did a good job and seemed to have fun with it. She also did the inside of our storm door. I'm hoping we can wash all the windows in the house the next time she's feeling this helpful!

Big Squirt has the day off tomorrow due to kindergarten round-up. In the morning the girls get a hair cut and in the afternoon they have their well child check-ups. Perhaps we'll find out the cause of the itchy rash on Big Squirt's arms. The rash first appeared after soccer practice Tuesday. It was improving, but seemed to get itchy again tonight after soccer. Hmmm. Allergic to grass? or does she have one of those non-specified child rashes / viruses. It's not causing much discomfort though.
1 comment:
My daughter will do any chore that requires spraying a product and wiping said product off of the surface. I have no idea why...
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