Sunday, May 18, 2008

Just As Good As Yesterday, If Not Better

Here in Iowa, we put up with January, February and March weather, so that we can enjoy days like today. It was clear, breezy and reached a high of 70. We celebrated by spending the afternoon outside. We planted seeds in the garden. We developed a nice little system and the girls and Cool Daddy-O placed the seeds in the soil and I covered them up. Hopefully in a couple months, we'll be posting pictures of our bountiful harvest (or at least enough for a few nice meals).
A row of peas
While Cool Daddy-O went on another tractor ride, the girls and I planted some annuals in pots to decorate the front porch.

Coleus, ivy and some impatiens

Gerber Daisy

I love weekends like this. The interior of the house suffered, but we can clean that another day. On a day like today, we just can't work inside. I think we'll all sleep soundly tonight.

1 comment:

Churlita said...

I love Gerbera daisies. They're my favorite flower.