After all that hard work, we drove through McDonald's and traveled to Lake Red Rock. The girls insisted on checking out the flood status over there. There is still a lot of water. The walkway to look closely at the spillway was closed. The pavement was buckled and there was a lot of debris along the way. We were able to stand near the rocks where there were lots of splashing waves.
We stood near this man for awhile. I think he was having a GOOD day! He gave 15 to 20 fish to a family who was fishing near him while we were there. He told them he had 150 fish in his truck and had given away over 100 fish so far that day. As we watched from a distance, he continued catching more fish.
This guy walked up to him and they were talking for awhile. And sharing fish.
It was very windy today and mostly cloudy. The clouds moved on in time for the beginnings of a beautiful sunset. It was even more beautiful on our way home, but I didn't get any pictures (our camera batteries died before that).
The girls LOVED getting splashed! Big Sis DID NOT want to go home. It wasn't pretty. Lil Sis happily skipped to the car, while Cool Daddy-O carried a kicking and screaming Big Sis. Big Sis doesn't act this way very often. She's begging to go back tomorrow. We just might do that.