Friday, June 20, 2008

There's a First Time for Everything

Tomorrow Cool Daddy-O and I are participating in a Geocaching event. We're leaving the girls behind with a sitter. The girls don't know what we're doing. So, I decided to take them on their own geocaching adventure this afternoon. There were four new caches hidden in town that had not yet been logged. We found all four and we were the first to find each of them! Whoo Hoo! Sometimes, there are prizes for the first person to find a cache. We found $1 in the first one and $3 in the last one. The last one was hidden on the side of one of our favorite buildings in town. The place we affectionately call "the ice cream store".

Here they are after they finished their cones. Notice they are wearing huge t-shirts. These shirts were gifts we received from a friend during VEISHEA. Initially, we decided to use them as paint shirts. We recently discovered they make excellent ice cream shirts too. Chocolate is the favorite flavor of our little ones and I just got tired of chocolate ice cream stains on their shirts. They think they're pretty cool to wear, and I don't stress out about their clean clothes. Cool Daddy-O loves his new shirts too! They all have cute little slogans on them about not getting drunk and causing riots during ISU's VEISHEA celebration. It's actually pretty amazing that Cool Daddy-O wears something with ISU on it. He is a Hawkeye, you know.

Today was the last day of Bible School. The girls had a blast and enjoyed singing along with the music CD as we were driving between cache sites this afternoon. They also LOVED playing on the monkey bars at the church's playground.

Next week, we're going to be lazy and sleep in. We're going to wear jammies until 10 or 11 every day. Then we're going to hang out at the library and learn about bugs.

I'll try and post more geocaching tales tomorrow after our fun date / outing!


Bennett and Ainsley said...

Great idea, the ice cream big shirts! I think I'll be borrowing it. Also, these two look like they've worked out their "Big Sis is Home Everyday" issues and are enjoying the summer! My girls really enjoyed playing with them on Thursday evening and hope to see you all again soon....maybe a playdate at our house or the park?

Churlita said...

It sounds like a perfect weekend you have planned.