Sunday, July 27, 2008
Collecting Ribbons and Coupons

Friday, July 25, 2008
She Decided To Stay...
I am going to the othr sid the wrld. frome big sis
Here is Big Sis pretending to be sad and posing with her run away note.
On another note, the girls had their first swimming lesson on Wednesday. We finally convinced Lil Sis to sit on the edge of the pool and dangle her toes in the pool. I think she will be more brave next time. It's too bad the lesson only lasted 30 minutes and half of that time was sitting outside of the pool talking about safety. I think another 15 to 30 minutes and she would have been in the water too. At least they both left wanting to go back.

Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Ribbons At The Fair
- a showering sheep...he was NOT happy about it
- a friendly lamb whose best friend is a horse
- an Angus calf named Hershey's
- a pen of pigs enjoying a bath
- an attacking turkey (don't worry, it didn't hurt, but it did scare the sh*t out of me)
- crowing roosters
- furry bunnies
I know it's not healthy, but, Big Sis ate two Jumbo Corn Dogs today. For an afternoon treat, Big Sis got a huge chocolate ice cream cone and Lil Sis got a blue raspberry shaved ice. Big Sis got full, so Lil Sis ate the rest of the cone. I got the rest of the shaved ice. It was definitely a WIN - WIN situation!
We send out Kudos to Uncle J today on being part of a #10 Country song. WhooHoo!
Swimming lessons commence tomorrow. The girls are excited!
I'm hoping to stay away from the fair tomorrow. We'll definitely go back later in the week. We have to pick up Big Sis's prize money!
*Dryer Update: I think I forgot the share the good news. The dryer was fixed quickly. It is working better than ever!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Pioneer Girl
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Sunday Trip to the Zoo and Pondering the Number 4
Lil Sis enjoyed a little down time also. Looks like she's planning something mischievous. She's kind of like that. It's just her nature.
And, finally, our favorite part of living in Iowa in the summer. SWEET CORN aka CORN ON THE COB!!!! Very delicious!! The girls are getting very good at husking the ears. In fact, Cool Daddy-O and the girls husked the corn while I made a peach cobbler for dessert. We grilled hamburgers, too.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Who Doesn't Get Excited About Their Dyson?
As I was dusting the desk, they came upstairs. It was like pulling teeth to get the girls to help pick up toys. Lil Sis became interested in helping with the dusting. That set Big Sis in motion....she just had to do something too.
So, she got the vacuum out of the closet, asked me how to plug it in and turn it on. She was on a mission and did a fantastic job. She vacuumed the living room, hall way, her bedroom, and mom/dad's bedroom. She was so excited! Cool Daddy-O was quite impressed when he arrived home and found her in her room pushing the vacuum around! She even came back to the living room when she was all done and caught a few spots she missed the first time.
Lil Sis tried, but said it was too hard to push around. She did her part, though, and unplugged it and helped wind up the power cord when Big Sis finished.
Cool Daddy-0 and I went out on a date tonight. We had a delicious meal and then headed to Menard's to hang out. We had so much fun and when we finally checked our phones to see what time it was, we freaked out. It was 9 p.m. and we hadn't done our shopping at Target yet. We had coupons we had to use!
All was well. We paid for our books (yeah, I know, it's not a book store, but they have great prices on books). The trip to Target was successful, yet uneventful.

Pay It Forward - My 2nd time

Title Of Blog I Would Like To Feature Is: Heart On The Line
Thursday, July 10, 2008
My Boring Week
Cool Daddy-O informs me that the dryer is no longer producing heat. The repair guy is coming to check it out tomorrow. Hopefully it's repairable. We are saving up for both cars to have major service check-ups at the Honda dealership this summer / fall. A new dryer isn't exactly what we're planning for. Our 11th anniversary gift to ourselves was a dishwasher. Perhaps the 12th anniversary gift is supposed to be a dryer. I guess we'll find out tomorrow. Tune in and see....

Friday, July 4, 2008
Who Can Sleep With All That Noise?
Yesterday, Lil Sis was "plugged up". We made a team decision and bought some prunes. After her first "dose", she was snuggling on my lap and before long was twitching....that tell tale sign that she was falling asleep. She fell asleep at 4:45 pm and didn't wake up til after 6. Her "problem" resolved itself during the evening. She was soooo HAPPY! She was also quite AWAKE, so she helped me make brownies and hash brown casserole. She finally fell asleep around midnight.
This morning, she was bright eyed at 7 a.m. and ready to go to the parade and family reunion. The bag of candy and other stuff rivaled anything they could dream of after a night of trick-or-treating.
We spent the rest of the day visiting with various family members. We headed home, the girls bathed, then we put on sweats, jackets, and drove to the soccer field to watch fireworks.
We arrived about 30 minutes before the fireworks started. The girls grew increasingly impatient. By the time the fireworks display started, Big Sis was snuggled up on Cool Daddy-O's lap and Lil Sis was snuggling with me. During the "grand finale", I noticed Lil Sis wasn't moving or talking. I assumed she was faking it and was really awake, because who would fall asleep during a fireworks finale??? She was really asleep! Cool Daddy-O lifted her out of my lap and placed her in her car seat. Big Sis made it to the car, but by the time we were ready to get her out of the car, we noticed she, too, had fallen asleep! That was the easiest bedtime routine we've had in a long time.

Thursday, July 3, 2008
The Scent of the Ocean
Hmm...what does Florida smell like anyway?