The girls and I went to the county fair this morning. Big Sis entered a few drawings / pieces of artwork in the Junior Arts competition. Last night she worked on a collage using the technique she learned earlier this summer at a class she attended. I'll upload a picture of it later. I didn't get a chance to take a picture of it yet. It turned out pretty nice. She also entered several other drawings she had colored with crayon, markers, tempera paint, and another crayon design. She ended up with a red ribbon, several blues, and one purple (for the collage).
Other cool stuff we saw:
- a showering sheep...he was NOT happy about it
- a friendly lamb whose best friend is a horse
- an Angus calf named Hershey's
- a pen of pigs enjoying a bath
- an attacking turkey (don't worry, it didn't hurt, but it did scare the sh*t out of me)
- crowing roosters
- furry bunnies
I know it's not healthy, but, Big Sis ate two Jumbo Corn Dogs today. For an afternoon treat, Big Sis got a huge chocolate ice cream cone and Lil Sis got a blue raspberry shaved ice. Big Sis got full, so Lil Sis ate the rest of the cone. I got the rest of the shaved ice. It was definitely a WIN - WIN situation!
We send out Kudos to Uncle J today on being part of a #10 Country song. WhooHoo!
Swimming lessons commence tomorrow. The girls are excited!
I'm hoping to stay away from the fair tomorrow. We'll definitely go back later in the week. We have to pick up Big Sis's prize money!
*Dryer Update: I think I forgot the share the good news. The dryer was fixed quickly. It is working better than ever!
My girls are going to our fair today. Even in high school, they still love it.
You have to eat bad food at the fair. I think it's a law, isn't it?
Corn dogs? I'm jealous!
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