I had a bad dream last night. In my dream, we were at a geocaching event...we were competing with other teams in northeastern Iowa to find all the hidden treasures first. In the dream, Cool Daddy-O and I were in the house of a little old lady who was no longer living in her house, but had left all her stuff there. We found the cache in a cedar chest in her bedroom and when we went to leave the house to look for our next geocache, we saw a woman vandalizing our car. She made a comment (as she was keying the car) "your car looks too nice to be a used car" and continued to scratch it. She then was able to get in somehow, and put it in reverse and crash it into a tree, completely smashing in the trunk, where all our geocaching treasure information was. We were then out of contention. I then realized that she was a crazy geocaching woman and didn't want us to win. I tried dialing 911 on my cell phone, but kept dialing the numbers in the wrong order and never did get any help. That's when I woke up.
It was the most detailed dream I've had in a while and thought I'd post about it before I forgot it. The dream was very realistic!
In my real life, not much exciting is going on. I did manage to get the house clean enough to host a group of moms for a play date / meeting about our moms group. This year, I'll be the "table mom coordinator" and I had a meeting with the table moms today to talk about the upcoming year.
I guess it's not such a bad thing that the toy room was a mess when they arrived, because now, it actually looks better than when they got here, if that's possible. We have some more organizing to do, but it's getting better.
When everyone was here, I had one of those moments when I looked up at the ceiling and was appalled by all the cobwebs attached to the ceiling. It was rather gross and disgusting, actually. I guess I should attack the ceiling with the Dyson sometime. I hope everyone else was content to keep their eyes away from the ceiling. At least the floor was clean! :)
I did not notice one single cobweb when I was at your house!
I went around with the vacuum last week and sucked up all the cobwebs. It's so satisfying, and full of instant gratification. I highly recommend it.
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