I live in a divided political household and have many friends with differing political views than myself. I try not to jump on a soap box very often. Allow me to jump up and down a bit :)
I talked to the girls a bit the day before the election. We hadn't talked with them much about politics, but at the age of 6 and 4, they were able to name both candidates. When asked who they wanted for the next president, their response was "Barack Obama". They don't know much about platforms, etc. I think they just like the name. Who can blame them :)
Since they agreed with me, I decided to take them along to the polling site, so they could be part of this historical election night. Big Sis was watchful as I colored in the ovals and made sure I colored them all in well. She said I scribbled a bit ;)
Some people seem down right discouraged about the outcome. This, I do not quite understand. I can recall voting for only 2 candidates that ever became president. I've tried to keep a positive attitude through it all.
I'm very happy and hopeful for the future of our country. I think we need someone right now who can reunite the people of our country. I think Barack Obama has the charisma to unify and excite us to rebuild the economy, responsibly end the war, and bring jobs back to the good old USA! I want to be able to go to my local discount store and buy products manufactured in the US again!
O.K. I'm jumping off the soap box now. Thanks for reading my ramblings...
Now, I must go have a premature Thanksgiving dinner at church. There's a turkey calling my name :)
I have a lot to be THANKFUL for!
I know. I'm not naive enough to think that one man can fix everything that needs to be fixed, but I do think he inspires people to work together, and he's definitely not afraid of hard work himself. I'm very hopeful right now.
Good soapboxing without being offensive! You know I voted for the other guy, but I completely agree that we're past the point of pouting. Time to move on and do what we can, where we can for the good of our country!
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