Saturday, November 22, 2008

I'm Here!

I'm back.  I didn't really go anywhere, I just haven't posted.  The above photo was taken on our way to Omaha recently, when we stopped at a rest area to geocache.  We found the cache and we were supposed to take our picture with the camera enclosed in the cache, however, the camera was full, so we used our own camera.

To celebrate the end of the first trimester, Cool Daddy-O took a day off work and we went to the zoo in Omaha.  It was a fun day.  After the zoo, we found our first out-of-state geocache.  It was pretty easy.  We tried to find a second one, but ran out of daylight.  It was in a wooded area, it was getting dark and our gps was acting weird.  

We have spent the past few weekends doing some deep cleaning, preparing to host a family Thanksgiving dinner.  Today's task was washing windows, doors, and curtains.  To celebrate the completion of this task, I spent a couple hours at Target.  

Well, that sums up my excitement.  We're watching the Iowa Hawkeyes trounce Minnesota.  It's pretty exciting!

A Snickers update:  we've been visiting the vet regularly.  For now we've changed his food to prescription diet food and he's recently started taking Amitriptyline for treatment of "litter box incontinence".  Things are improving, but not yet perfect.  We'll continue this treatment and hope for continued progress.  

My new promise to myself.  All future cats will be female.  No future cats will be persian.  I've owned 3 and haven't had such good luck overall.  Their personalities have been AWESOME, however, the health problems, not so much fun.

Current gas price: $1.61. How low will it go?

One more thing:  I'm going to make an effort to post a bit more often.  


Bennett and Ainsley said...

Good to have you back, in regards to posting!

Churlita said...

Yea! You posted. We loved the Omaha zoo when we went there a couple of years ago. it's great you guys took a day for that.