In preparation for the storm and Christmas baking, we made daily trips to the store last week. On Thursday, we baked sugar cookies. I wanted to be able to decorate them on Friday if we lost power. Fortunately, we had sleet. Yes, it made the roads slick and canceled school on Friday, but it didn't coat the power lines.
Friday was a fun day for all. School and preschool were canceled. Cool Daddy-O stayed home and worked from home. I spent 3 hours wrapping presents! That was exhausting, but I'm mostly done.
On Saturday, I mixed up a triple batch of frosting. We pulled out all the food coloring and ended up with all colors of the rainbow, plus white.
Today, we made 3 more batches of cookies, including Sparkling Butter Toffee cookies, Peanut Butter Blossoms, and Ginger Snaps. The ginger snaps are chilling til tomorrow.
Cool Daddy-O requests acknowledgement for his help in rolling 1 inch balls to form the cookies, cleaning the floor, running the dishwasher frequently, and keeping up with laundry. To my knowledge he hasn't been sneaking many cookies.
The real reason for all the baking? Well, the kitchen is on the north side of the house. The floor has been cold. The best way to keep the kitchen warm is to have the oven on. We can't just have the oven on for no reason, so we bake lots and lots of cookies!
The girls and I get to sleep in tomorrow morning due to a 2 hour school delay. Unfortunately, this throws a kink into all the fun stuff on the girls' schedule for tomorrow. Lil Sis is supposed to have her preschool Christmas program tomorrow, but the rule is no preschool if there's a school delay. Big Sis is supposed to have a pajama day at school and watch "Horton Hears a Who" for movie day. Hopefully, she'll still get to watch her movie. Due to Friday's school cancellation, she missed her class party.
Wow. That is a whole lot of cookie making. How fun. Cool Daddy-O does seem very cool and very involved indeed. Good for him.
Your kids still have school?
Yes, Big Sis had school. Lil Sis's preschool is cancelled today. Bummer.
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