Tuesday, April 29, 2008


The plants are still covered for another hour or so. It was cold out there this morning.

Big Squirt's rash is gone. Dr. M. agreed that it was a reaction to the grass at the soccer field or some chemical that was put on it. She had to wear long sleeves on Friday due to the frigid temps. Perhaps we'll encourage her to wear long sleeves again tonight. Strong thunderstorms are predicted for Thursday. That means soccer will probably be canceled again!

Little Squirt and grandma are good buddies again. Last week she started asking about grandma visiting and said she wanted to play with her. They played on Saturday like the last 4 months of "closed eye stuff" had never happened. That's the good news. The bad news is now she's transferred the closed eye stuff to grandpa. Oh, brother. It will be interesting to see how long this stage lasts.

On Sunday when we visited the great-grandmas at the nursing home, both girls were good. When we got to grandma and grandpa's house, Little Squirt's eyes closed. She did enjoy some delicious pizza that grandma ordered. With her eyes closed. Squawking like a baby bird. Silly kid!

1 comment:

Churlita said...

My daughter's high school soccer games at home have been canceled every single time this season. We'll see how it goes for her on Thursday too.