Monday, March 10, 2008

Slim pickin'

We just got home from lunch and saw 4 male pheasants outside the window. I think they're starving. Yesterday there were a few in the neighbor's yard all morning. Because I'm soft hearted, I went to the garage and got a 5 quart bucket filled with birdseed and an ear of corn and spread it on the east side of the house. Of course, they flew away when I opened the door, but I think they'll be back. I'll try and get pictures if I catch them. Not sure if it's right to feed them, but they must be starving. The grass is finally starting to reappear and the snow is dwindling.

As we were waiting for the bus this morning, I told Big Squirt that all the snow will be gone by Friday, with the exception of the big drift in our neighbor's yard.

We sprung forward on Sunday. Big Squirt didn't think it was right getting up before the sun this morning. Little Squirt is all messed up too. She slept until 20 minutes til preschool this morning. She did wake up on her own though. However, after lunch today, she had a temper tantrum all the way home and then it continued for about 30 more minutes or so. I may be felt that long though. The cause of the tantrum? Well, usually, when we go to McDonald's for lunch, she gets 2 moist towelettes. She uses one there and then puts one in her pocket to save for later. Today, she shared her extra one with her friend. She planned to pick one up on our way out, but we forgot. A couple blocks away from McDonald's (on our way home) she realized she forgot to pick one up. So, the entire way home and then after we got home she kept repeating, "GO BACK TO MCDONALD'S". I just ignored her. I knew that I had some at home (left over ones that she brought home before). I planned to give her that later....after she calmed a surprise. She eventually calmed down and I gave her the towelette. She said thanks, but that's about it. She's forgotten about it now. She looked like she was going to fall asleep for awhile. It seems kids have such a difficult time when the time changes.

Last night we had friends over for homemade pizza. We did a new experiment and made taco pizza (similar method to how Casey's does it, as that's where I used to make college). It turned out very yummy. We also made a cheese pizza for the girls. Big Squirt ate 2 pieces and then proceeded to have 3 brownies throughout the evening. She was HUNGRY! We made a sausage pizza too, for Cool Daddy-O. He ate only one piece. So, we're having left-overs for supper tonight.

Little Squirt claims to be hungry...I think she just wants candy. The little turkey. Today's goal is to further organize the toys and hopefully find the lost library book that is supposed to be in the house somewhere. The weird thing is that Big Squirt checked it out on Valentine's Day....the day we three girls came down with the flu. I don't remember even seeing the library book come out of the back pack. Wish me luck!

Hey, readers...feel free to comment on any posts you want....we love the comments when we get them. Sorry it's been so long between posts. I'll try and do better this week.

1 comment:

Bennett and Ainsley said...

Maybe your pheasants should head our way...I have one of those birdseed/fat balls from the Fareway meat counter hanging in our tree, and I can't pay any birds to eat it! Also, would you jot your faux-Casey's taco pizza recipe down? We would like to try that sometime!