Tuesday, April 29, 2008

There's some short grass in the yard

Thanks to the recently maintained Lawn Boy, about 1/3 of our yard is nicely manicured. I'll work on it more tomorrow. It was getting too dark to take a picture.

The girls and Cool Daddy-O played outside. Big Squirt even sat in the Maple tree in the play area for awhile. Looked like she was having fun up there.

The weather cooperated for soccer tonight. We made supper before soccer practice and Big Squirt realized that yellow peppers don't have much flavor, so she ate them in the pasta primavera we made. She was sobbing during the first few minutes, but once she tasted it, she kept eating. Little Squirt wasn't as enthralled with her meal. I think they just need more exposure to different veggies.


Churlita said...

With the food thing...They go through different phases. All you can do is introduce them to stuff and they eventually come around.

clonetothebone said...

If you want them to eat liver tell them its chicken fried steak(unless they know what chicken fried steak tastes like). Our kids asked for seconds they liked it so much.

Minyo said...

I don't think I'll force the liver issue. I have horrible liver memories from my childhood. I don't think I could stomach it.

It is a good tip, though.