One cold weekend recently, we were bored and in need of something fun to do. We were organizing our new markers, crayons, paints, and other Christmas gifts. I came up with the brilliant idea of recycling our old crayons. The girls busied themselves peeling the paper off for a couple hours. They grew weary. I peeled more crayons while watching a movie.
We eventually sorted them by color (a day or two later), melted them and poured them in the above mold.

In other news, the girls continue to take the camera on adventures in the house. Here's a self-portrait of Lil Sis.

One night during the girls' bath, Cool Daddy-O played a little trick on the girls, HGTV style. We converted the toy room to a bed room and vice versa. They're still adjusting to the new set up, but one of the first days, Big Sis built this structure on her own. Usually, she gets really frustrated when playing with Lincoln Logs, but pulled this off effortlessly. Not sure who took this photo, but I think it's a pretty good shot.

On Inauguration Day, I informed Lil Sis that we'd be watching "grown-up TV" all day. She found it incredibly boring, however, she loved the opportunity to paint and make a mess without getting in trouble. She had fun and clean-up was a breeze.
Voila! The finished product...pretty cool!
Here's a self-portrait of Snickers....or is it? I think Lil Sis took this one too. Snickers seems to be doing better. We switched up a few things with the litter box and medication. He's not much interested in eating a lot, but he has become one docile, snuggling cat. Lil Sis carries him around, they fall asleep together at night, he sleeps next to me when I go to bed, and spends the day letting Lil Sis do anything she wants with him.
Not sure if this is a self-portrait, but it probably is.
Unfortunately, our TV decided to die during the Inaugural balls. Fortunately, I was able to watch a lot of it on the internet (thanks to CNN and facebook).
Today we had some awesome weather. Technically, I guess we would call it a January thaw. The temps were close to 50. Lil Sis happily pulled on her snow pants, boots and a light weight winter jacket and ran out and dove in the piles of snow. She had a blast throwing snowballs...

She also enjoyed playing with a neighborhood kitten. This kitten lives outside. It was -17 a week ago. This kitten looks fat and healthy. Not sure how, but that kitten and its twin sibling must have good genes.
at me! She has good aim!
After swinging awhile, she said she was done playing outside and ran in. Tomorrow night it will be approaching 0 degrees again. It sure was nice to be out and soak in some rays today.
1 comment:
That crayon idea is so cute.
You guys hardly have any snow there. I haven't seen grass here in months.
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