Monday, March 9, 2009

Face Book Eats My Time

Um, Yeah.  I'm o.k.  I'm still here.  I just spend too much time  on Face Book playing with those silly applications like Farm Town and Mafia.  

My one year Blogiversary has come and gone without my acknowledgement.  I haven't even checked my stats lately.  I'm sure the few readers I did/do have gave up on me weeks ago.

Lil Sis is playing with playdough and I'm listening to Days of Our Lives.  I've totally lost track of what's going on there.  I used to be a diehard fan and even if I didn't watch it, I read updates on line.  It's just not the same anymore.  What's going on with Bo and Hope anyway?

The girls and I are struggling with the time change.  In addition to losing an hour, we have a brand new feather bed and it is so comfy, it's hard to hop out of bed in the morning.  And for some reason, my alarm didn't go off this morning.  

Looks like the bachelor (Jason) is on the Bonnie Hunt Show, so I think I'll watch and see what's new there.

I'm also going to try to update the background here.  I do not need snowflakes cluttering the background.  I need to find something springy.

more soon :)


Bennett and Ainsley said...

I'm so glad you're back! I thought you were lost and gone forever! I gave up Facebook for Lent you know, so your blog updates are even more important to me!

Churlita said...

Nice Springy look!

I don't do any of the applications on Facebook. I just don't have time for them. I try to only use it as a social tool, and then it doesn't suck my life away....Much.