Friday, October 17, 2008

Dilemma ... what to do about the cat?

We took Snickers to the vet yesterday and today.  Trying to get a handle on why he doesn't use the litter box 100% of the time.  We have to wait on the lab culture, but for now, he's being treated for a UTI.  If he resumes appropriate litter box behavior, then we keep him and Lil Sis will be happy. 

If he keeps going in the hall... well, we're probably going to have to surrender him back to his breeder.  Which will make Lil Sis very, very, very sad.  What's a responsible parent to do?  

We can't have a cat that pees on the floor and I don't want to break Lil Sis' heart!  Hopefully, the right decision will become obvious in the next week or two.


Churlita said...

Oh, that's a tough one. I wish I had some decent advice for you.

Nanny Goats In Panties said...

Oh noes! Oh I hope your poor hallway wayward kitty finds his way back to the litter box!

Bennett and Ainsley said...

This is tough.  I have not been a pet owner so I have no sound advice.  Keep us informed as to the outcome.  If he goes back to the breeder would you get a different housecat or wait awhile?